What every parent should know
It’s the question on most parents’ lips: how can you best support your child at school without being a tiger parent and pushing too hard? A new book How to Succeed At School: What Every Parent Should Know (£15, published by Routledge in paperback on February 3, 2020) might help you get the balance right, and answer some of those questions you have about your child’s education which often go unanswered. It aims to cut through jargon to supply parents with everything they need to help children do well and to foster a confident, curious and motivated approach to learning.

It’s written by leading education journalists Wendy Berliner (formerly senior education journalist at The Guardian) and Judith Judd (a former editor of The Times Educational Supplement). From talking to other parents and teachers through the course of their careers and as parents themselves, the authors began to feel that parents were often being left in the dark about some of the most important issues in education.
They believed that important studies and research about how best to support children’s education at home were hidden away in specialist journals, and written in jargon that parents would not have access to or be able to understand. Using key research studies and data which, until now, has largely been hidden away in academic journals, they are putting this vital information into the hands of parents and teachers for the first time, in an accessible and user-friendly way. Key areas include:
- How parents can ‘make or break‘ their child’s education by what they do at home.
- How to know when your child is ready for school.
- Why the first year in the classroom makes all the difference.
- How to provide the right conditions for motivation.
- Why curiosity is the superhero of education and how to keep it alive.
- Myths and realities around neuroscience, genetics and learning styles.
- The role of parents and how all parents can help their children learn.
- What teachers need to know about important research and studies and how this impacts in the classroom.
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