Worry over weaning
With one in three mums feeling pressure to wean their baby before the recommended six months, Public Health England are launching the Start4Life campaign to boost confidence in introducing solid foods.

The NHS recommend that most babies should not start solid foods until they are around six months old, to give them the best nutritional start in life. But new research from PHE highlights the pressure mums with young children are under and the impact this has on their parenting decisions, with 83 per cent worrying they have to get it right all of the time. It reveals that many mums are confused around weaning and feel unsure about what’s right for their baby’s health. Three-quarters have already introduced solid foods by the time their baby is five months old.
To support parents on their weaning journey, Start4Life’s weaning hub is packed with NHS-endorsed advice and tips for each stage. The hub contains simple, healthy recipes and has everything parents need to know in one place, so they can introduce solid foods safely and healthily. It also includes videos showing the signs that babies are ready for their first solid foods, how much food to give and tips from other parents.