Starting to be sustainable
Celebrity cook and blogger Sara Kiyo Popowa, aka shisodelicious, has collaborated with Wren Kitchens* to offer families her top tips on how to cook and eat sustainably.

‘The food we eat has a huge impact on the world we live in,’ she says. ‘Being environmentally conscious when it comes to food can seem a daunting and restrictive task, especially with fussy little ones. But cooking and eating green can be exciting and simple too!’
Here are her suggestions”
Only food shop once a week
By reducing the number of trips to the supermarket, you can avoid buying more food than you need. It helps to think of ingredients with multiple uses, and making sure you buy all the ingredients in one go.
Subscribe to a veg box
This a great way to help the environment, as well as supporting local farmers. In order to reduce food waste, promise yourself to use up all the items in the box. This can be a fun challenge, especially if you’re not familiar with some of them!
Buy your favourite items in bulk
Whether it’s a regular snack or a specific ingredient, everyone has a few favourite food items. One way to limit environmental impact, and also save money, is by identifying whole food stables and buying these items in bulk, perhaps online. It economises on packaging and energy in production, as well as saving you money.
Eat in-season produce
Most fresh foods have a specific season when they are ripe and easily available. Seasonal produce provides your body with appropriate food for the time of year: cooling, refreshing fruits in summer and starchy carby root veg in winter. And eating seasonally also supports the local farming economy.
Commit and be motivated
Try to understand your own motivation to cook and eat more sustainably. Once you’ve discovered what’s driving you to change your diet, it's much easier to stick to the changes you make. Shopping, cooking and eating more sustainably may seem like extra effort, at least to begin with. But as time goes on, you will see a positive impact on your family health and outlook that you may have never anticipated.
- Wren Kitchens is a foremost UK kitchen retailer with 99 showrooms nationwide.